April 26

Review the video about Pompeii. Turn off the audio and practice reading the subtitles aloud as the video is played. Notice which words and numbers were difficult to pronounce.

You can download the transcript and exercises for the short lecture about Pompeii.

Review the video about voice training (6 minutes).

Choose the place that you want to talk about for your final speech project: a place you would like to go to but have never been to.

April 15, 2024

Review the video about Pompeii. Turn off the audio and practice reading the subtitles aloud as the video is played. Notice which words and numbers were difficult to pronounce.

Download the speech planning document (Speech 1). This is an MSWord file that you can download, save with a new name, and use to write a plan for a short speech. Write the notes for your speech in the table on page 2.

The major project for this semester is a speech that you will perform in July. The deadline for sending the first draft is June 30. The suggested theme is to research and speak about a place that you would like to go. That means a place you have never gone to but would like to go to someday. You can see this example of the Powerpoint slides done by a student two years ago, or watch it as a video with the student's voice recorded.

You can review the video about how to use your voice toolbox.

April 12, 2024

You can review the video about the history of nuclear weapons and nuclear energy. Turn on the subtitles and check vocabulary words that you don't know.


Send your files done for homework assignments to riches@seijo.ac.jp as attachment files, or hand in a hard copy in the classroom. Remember that you should use your Seijo email account to send the message. Make the attachment file name like this: lastname-firstname-2024-06-23.docx (change the date to the date when you send your email). It is very important that I can see the name and the date in the file name. Write a short message in your email, in English, that tells me your first name and last name, the course name, and the time of the class (for example, Wednesday 3rd period).

Example of a file name for a Powerpoint file: suzuki-hiro-2024-06-23.pptx

These are links to some sources we will use during the semester

Review the lesson about linking consonants and vowels in spoken English.

Review the video about vowel to vowel linking.

Review the lesson about the schwa ( ə ) sound.

Download this document about how to write a summary from notes.

A video about Word Stress and Syllables in Pronunciation Practice

Read Common Errors in Student Writing

Read How to Track Changes and Accept Changes in MS Word