To send me homework by e-mail, send it in an MSWord file as an attached file (other formats are possible, but .docx is the most common one for documents). Please give it a file name with this format, with the hyphens:

your <last name-your first name-year-month-day.docx>

for example: tanaka-saburo-2024-06-21.docx

The date should be the date you send the attachment. If you send another draft later, it is easy for me to see which file is the most recent one.

In your e-mail message, tell me your name and the class you belong to. It is better to use your university e-mail account that indicates your student number in the user name.

When I receive important homework assignments from students, I immediately send a reply e-mail to confirm that I got it. If you don't get a confirmation, check the e-mail address carefully and send it again.

When I return your homework by email, you will see my corrections in it in red font in an MSWord file. Please read this IMPORTANT DOCUMENT that explains how to use the reviewing and editing features of MSWord: How to Track Changes and Accept Changes in MSWord

Faculty of Social Innovation, Seijo University, Tokyo. Instructor: D. Riches. 2024/03/15